Fraserland Organics Inc.
Delta, BC Canada

At Fraserland Organics we love beneficial insects!

The farmers of Fraserland Organics are committed to sustainable organic agriculture and avidly participate on a regular basis in agricultural research to help improve organic farming techniques.
Years of organic production have helped us build an ecosystem friendly to ladybugs, bees and other beneficial insects.

Honey Bees
We know how important bees are for crops and plants so we have started our own apiary of honeybees. With the decline of all bees we feel it's vital to do our part and help the bees however we can. By planting flowers and other plants we can 'all' help these little pollinators !

Bees love this !
Lacy Phacelia attracts pollinators.
These purple wildflowers produce a lot of nectar, so bees love it ! We use this plant and other wildflower varieties as a cover crop on various acres of farmland.

Lady Bugs
Natural control of aphids
A strong ladybug population can mean the difference between a successful field of peas and a diseased crop destroyed by aphids. Ladybugs are a natural enemy to the aphid and can eat up to 50 to 60 aphids a day !
Great winter cover crop.
Sunflowers are great for attracting beneficial insects, and their deep roots are perfect for pulling nutrients up from the soil.

We recently did a ladybug release in our pea fields, these ladybugs will eat the aphids that could potentially destroy the crop. Ladybugs are a great natural alternative to chemicals and pesticides.

Soil Research
Fraserland Organics works closely with ES Cropconsult, a leading organic research organization, to research and develop soil nutrient and pest management programs for our farms.
ES Cropconsult manages field-monitoring teams and submits data on a weekly basis back to Fraserland Organics. In addition, Fraserland Organics participates in joint research initiatives with the University of British Columbia, University of Manitoba and Kwantlen Polytechnic University creating the synergies that are critical for innovation in organic agriculture.

Cover crops are grown to improve soil nutrients, suppress weeds and to break the pest and disease cycle.
A cover crop is a natural and organic way to control the soil without having to use chemicals or pesticides.
By using fields of sunflowers, clover and grasses, local wildlife can also benefit with food and a natural habitat.

Fraserland Organics actively participates with Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust and its programs to help conserve agricultural and wildlife resources.
By planting hedgerows , trees and shrubs we can provide year-round habitats and nesting sites for birds, mammals and insects. We also plant winter cover crops after our summer crops have been harvested. This benefits the nitrogen levels and soil structure as well as providing a great food source for snow geese and other waterfowl