Fraserland Organics Inc.
Delta, BC Canada

Meet our Farm Dogs
If you've ever visited us or have come by our office, you know we love our farm dogs !
Meet the Farm Dogs

TUNKY was in the fostered BC Guide Dog program but didn't quite finish...he's just too laid back...(hard to tell from this picture) ...so now Tunky the guide dog.... is Flunky the farm dog!
Peaches is a new puppy on the farm. Well, we really call her peeeee--ches, because she will pee anytime..anywhere. She is cute, soft and cuddly...and has a cute little name. But she definitely has the making to be the Alpha. Let's just say .....she doesn't like too share much.
Dixie is our border collie cross, just look at this over the shoulder pose...who would think she's the alpha dog around the farm. You'll find Dixie wandering around in the rain and keeping the rest of the dogs in check.

JEB is a crazy little fella and has more energy than a power plant. He will chase herons across an entire farm field..he will even chase your car. He's been clocked at 40 km/h !
But he is always ready for some cuddling if you have the time.
Just one word comes to mind when we talk about "Koda".......pigpen !
She will dig and roll in anything. Her diet includes anything furry with four legs that is slightly smaller than her.